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Green Satin

The Sweet Experiment

Life has it out for Payton McCrory. At first, it seems as though she has simply been neglected by the Powers That Be (if such things even exist). With nothing particularly exceptional about her (except for her notorious klutziness), Payton goes unnoticed by the popular crowd, professors, and guys. But what else is new? Her own father didn’t want her.

This early exposure to the harsh world has made Payton a cynical underachiever. But when Payton’s family is afflicted by betrayal and a life-changing diagnosis, Payton is convinced that Someone Upstairs must be playing a cruel joke with her life. It gets even worse when something threatens the relationship between her and Wyatt, the close friend who has a tighter hold on Payton’s heart than she realizes.

With the help of her boy-crazy best friend, Payton embarks on the sweet experiment and ends up getting much more than she bargained for. Along the way, she finds herself increasingly surrounded by religious people—a new roommate, an Iranian professor, a guy at a party. They aren’t the judgy, self-righteous churchgoers Payton has heard about—but people who seem to know a different God . . . One who just might actually care about nobodies like Payton.


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