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  • chelseyeliseyoung

10 Questions to Ask While Seeking God's Direction

Thinking about dating. Which college to go to. What to major in. Which summer job to pursue. Where to live. Who to live with.

We are confronted with many big decisions in our lifetime. I believe God cares about these decisions and will guide you in the way He desires, if only you will listen. There will likely also be times when God is silent, offering guidance in the form of opportunity or circumstances.

When trying to process and move forward with a big decision, it is first most important to think about what God has already said about your decision, through His Word. The Bible is the living and active Word of God, ever relevant to whatever decision you need to make today and tomorrow.

The following ten questions comprise a journaling exercise that some may find helpful as a next step (perhaps, along with a list of pros and cons).

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1. What’s my “big question”? What am I looking for? What am I hoping to hear from God? What am I struggling with?

2. How has God provided direction in the past? And about what? Specific examples?

3. When was another time I didn’t feel God’s direction and moved forward anyway?

4. When was a time I didn’t feel God’s direction and I waited?

5. What can I learn and remember from these incidences?

6. What is God teaching me right now?

7. What is the “next right thing”? What do I KNOW I’m being called to right NOW?

8. What are some things that might be preventing me from hearing God’s voice? What are some idols in my life?

9. Productive things I can do while I’m waiting for God to provide an answer to my big question:

10. Action steps (specific):


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