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  • chelseyeliseyoung

The Parking Spot at the Sandwich Shop

Six years ago, I was working as an administrative assistant in Central Oregon. One work day, I prayed a bold prayer. I had to go downtown during lunchtime to pick up an order of nine sandwiches, two salads, a soda, and a cookie. It is safe to say that, back then, 99.7% of the time that I was looking for a parking spot downtown, the only spot I could find was in the parking garage.

However, I did not want to carry eleven meals three blocks and two stories.

So I prayed, Lord, would You please provide me a parking space downtown? And I thought, Just for fun, Lord, because You can… could You provide one right in front of the sandwich shop? I chuckled to myself and got in my car. As I drove downtown, I was surprised to see three or four spots open, a few blocks away from the sandwich shop. I drove further, and—fearing that this might be the last open parking space within a block of the shop—pulled quickly into a spot about one block from the shop. As I got out of the car, crossed the street, and came within walking distance of the shop sign, I couldn’t help but laugh. 

The shop was small. There was room enough for only one parking space directly in front of the shop. And that space was empty. 

I keep this blog mainly because God does funny things in my life that point to His bigger Story. He has a great sense of humor, and He is big on metaphors. (Check out the parables Jesus told during his 33-year ministry.) As a former Communication Studies major, I guess I am big on metaphors, too.

What really happened that day? I asked God for something. I didn’t really think He’d answer it, so I settled for what I thought was “the best I would get.” It’s not the first time I’ve done that. Fortunately, this time it was merely a parking space. I’m learning to wait on God. When we ask, and He gives us peace, He will deliver on His promises. We shouldn’t just take the first thing that’s offered up to us, fearing that we won’t have any better opportunities. This is true about so many things. Relationships, living situations, jobs, maybe even a dentist or the right pair of running shoes. 

God is BIG. Let’s trust Him and let Him surprise us!


Photo by Jordan Koons on Unsplash.

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2 commenti

Lori Greene Haack
Lori Greene Haack
20 apr

His surprises are the BEST. And just knowing that He cares about the little things, makes it even more important to trust him on the BIG things! (Tiny yellow flipflops -- this mother's answered prayer.)

Mi piace

Shirley Young
Shirley Young
19 apr

Thank you! I needed that today!

Mi piace
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