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  • chelseyeliseyoung

Why the Worship Team is Standing in Puddles

When we walked into the church, there was a large tin tub on the stage between the bass and the acoustic guitar. It was explained that a few people had been preparing to be baptized that morning. During this gathering, however, the scheduled person had been unable to attend. The pastor extended an open invitation to anyone who might feel called, “no matter whether you were planning on it or not.” 

God was moving in the hearts of four women, clad in their autumn sweaters, who courageously climbed the stairs, responding to the call of Jesus. 

When the first lady came up out of the water, her church family erupted into applause and shouts of celebration. I clasped my hands as tears ran down the creases in my grin. 

God gives us beautiful allegories. 

Watching a sopping wet woman being hugged by her dry friend, mascara trails down her cheeks, streams of water from her wool cardigan forming small pools on the stage and below, where we sat, I had never seen a more beautiful, vulnerable illustration of what it means to faithfully respond to the call of God when He calls you—whether or not it is convenient. 

God has His own schedule! He has plans. If we wait until we are prepared, old enough, “financially secure” enough, experienced enough, or until we remembered to wear a swimsuit under lightweight clothing to church, we’re going to miss the calls He extends everyday to join His story. Don’t wait! Don’t put off the most important decision you’ll ever make. And then, keep responding. Choose Him every day, again and again. It won’t be convenient or easy, it might mess with your plans, and you might end up shivering and awkwardly wet in front of strangers—but your Creator and the greatest Love in the universe will be there. And what He has is infinitely better than anything we could’ve planned. 


Photo by kaleb tapp on Unsplash.

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1 Comment

Shirley Young
Shirley Young
Jun 05

Incredible! That must have been amazing!

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